I have created a path I take my client’s through for their personal growth and healing. It is a weaving road at times, as all growth processes are, yet we come to these areas of focus at some point on the journey.
I like to begin by setting up my client to be Resourced. It is important to start from a well resourced state. That way we have that foundation to rely on when things might get a little shaky. We look at the external resources a person has in their life. And then develop the internal resources to even better support.
Also, early on, I like to help my clients develop more mindfulness. This greatly helps in self-awareness skills and becoming the observer rather than reacting to life. It is a practice of seeing self and others from a loving, observing, stance. We also developed the mindfulness skill to be able to use in session to study the experience. Rather than just thinking or talking about the situation we drop down into what is happening in the body in that moment.
When we have those foundational aspects in place we can move on to identifying needs. I support my clients, who are mostly women, in looking at their needs. Usually women get into the trap of being so focused on the needs of those around them they don’t even know what their needs are. Not mention even what they may want! We have to identify these and implement smalls actions to start getting these met.
This usually natural lead to the next step, which is setting boundaries. And we do so with love. But it is vital to start looking at your boundaries. Again, as women, this is tends to be an area that requires some tighten up. As we begin to identify needs that means speaking up and asking. That means setting some limits with others. These are all boundaries. And all can be done with more love and create even more intimacy!
As we start to work on our needs and value them enough to set boundaries for them, we naturally start to move into the next area as well. We start to recognize our worth and value. We start to see that our needs, wants, and our feelings matter too. This goes into the deeper spiritual work on knowing our inherent worth. That we matter just by being a human being and existing.
Likely, all of this will bring up blocks to feeling valuable or feeling like our needs matter. We may have fears and reasons that stop us from setting the boundaries we know we need to set. Old limiting beliefs or even difficult memories may come up as we try to step forward and make changes. This is when we must go deeper. We must turn around and face those beliefs or fears. And do the deeper healing work of releasing them.
Once we have such solid foundation underneath us and we have cleared the way, we can look at what we want to create. We can start to really get into what we want, not just what we need. This is the fun part of manifesting and co-creating with your spiritual source the reality you wish to see. The energy is focused forward on what is next! Exciting!