Can you believe it? End of 2020! Let’s review.

Can you believe that we have been living most of 2020 so radically different than any other year? Can you believe we have been living through a pandemic for most of 2020!?!? Can you believe all that we have collectively been through in 2020? 

Wow! It has been tough to say the least. We all have been stretched, required to rapidly change, and experienced emotional upheaval as a result. 

There’s no doubt that we all were able to do things we didn’t think we could before 2020. 

So, I encourage you to review. I know you are probably like, I just want to forget all about 2020. But this is probably the most important year ever to do an end of year review! I promise you there are gems to be found. 

Get your journal out and answer these questions for yourself: 

How have I changed for the better? 

What beliefs have changed? 

Where was my strength demonstrated? 

What did I do that I thought you couldn’t? 

What clarity did 2020 bring for what truly matters to me? 

It is so important that we look back so that we can look forward. Because this does not end right when the clock strikes 2021. The journey continues. We will still be living through a pandemic as we step into 2021. And the anti-racist movement of 2020 does not stop just because we have a new president in office. 

At first look 2021 may not be as bright and shiny as most New Years. But just following what is pretty and shiny and not looking beneath to what truly matters is exactly what we are being asked to let go. Again, we are being called look at what truly matters to us. And that is what we bring into the new year.