Making Time to Connect IN

Do you make time to connect in…to yourself, to Spirit, to your heart? 

The connecting IN I’m referring to here is about making the time to listen to yourself. It is about being able to hear your own inner guidance, connect to your higher power and spiritual source, and listen to your heart. 

Do you make time for this? Is there any time in your day where you can get quiet and slow down enough to listen? 

If this pandemic has taught us anything, it is that things can change in a second. That is why it is important, now more than ever, to slow down and listen. To listen to where you are meant to be going…how you and life are meant to change through these times we are living through. 

It is also important to have space to be able to process and reflect on all that we are experiencing globally and individually during these times. There is so much happening all around us, and I feel it is imperative that we take time to stop and listen to ourselves. 

Ideally, you would set aside time in the morning to have this connecting in time. This way you can listen to yourself before all the noise of the day starts. And you can tend to your needs before tending to the needs of all those around you. This will help you ground and center yourself so you can face whatever the day brings. 

It doesn’t really matter what tools or methods you use. What matters is that you make taking this time a priority. You may have to experiment with what works for you. For me it is going on a walk and journaling. For you it may be meditating or reading scripture. 

What is important is that you have a practice that supports you in showing up as a conscious woman, having healthy interactions with those around you, and coming from a place of love in all you do. 

If you would like receive more support in doing exactly this, I have a group called Connect IN where I teach you how to have a greater connection with yourself, Spirit, and others. Contact me to find out more.